Journal History

Jurnal Manajemen Kewirausahaan (JMK) is a journal that is published regularly every six months (June and December) by LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta. This journal was first published in 2007 for Volume 1 Number 1 and registered with 1858-1048 in May 29, 2007 for the printed version by Jurusan Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta. The Publisher and Editorial Team changed to Volume 15 Number 2 of 2018, which was published by LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta. Starting in 2018, the Jurnal Manajemen Kewirausahaan was published online based at OJS and registered at DOI. Jurnal Manajemen Kewirausahaan has electronic ISSN 2654-9247 available since December, 2018 for Volume 15 No. 2 – Dec 2018. Jurnal Manajemen Kewirausahaan indexed by Google Scholar, Garuda IPI, Crossref and Indonesian One Search (IOS).