Emissions Reduction in Cities Through Improved Waste Management (Case Study of Community RW 10 Puspanegara Bogor)

Besar Agung Martono, Titing Widyastuti, Bambang Nugroho Yulianto


This paper examines the emission reduction in cities through improved waste management. The case study conducted in the Community RW 10 Puspanegara Bogor Regency. Problems stated that: Not all people have sorted household waste from the source; Residents still have difficulties in managing household waste due to densely populated areas, the absence of temporary shelters (TPS) for waste before being transported by DLH; Some RWs still use waste management methods that are not climate-friendly, namely by burning. Methodology of this research using Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Social Mapping, Capacity building, Formation of groups, Activity support facilities, Policy and Create a network. The results of the collection were recorded by the PIC in each RT according to the method and reported (in accordance with the Recording Form), Utilize organic waste from households (uncooked organic waste, dry leaves, etc.) for compost, biopori, etc and vegetable waste, rice scraps for animal feed, Recording of non-valuable non-organic waste from households and drop box locations (multilayer, scahet, others). Also education on waste segregation from households for organic, non-organic, residual waste in accordance with the waste reduction flow in RW 10. Furthermore, researchers addressed recommendations, sustainability, communication and lessons learned.



Emission Reduction; Household Waste; Waste Management



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33370/prc.v7i0.1146


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