Analisa Dampak Digitalisasi HRM dan Disruptive Technology terhadap HRM Effectiveness, Studi Kasus pada Industri Menengah ke Bawah di Kota Surakarta
Perkembangan manajemen sumber daya manusia atau HRM telah memasuki era baru, Agile HR (HR dinamis) saat ini menjadi kebutuhan bagi organisasi, terlebih setalah covid 19 banyak sekali aturan baru dan sinkronisasi terhadap environment bisnis secara digital yang diterapkan. Dampak yang ada dirasakan terhadap organisasi bisnis menegah ke bawah di tanah air, tujuan utama penelitian ini untuk mengetahui analisa dampak digitalisasi Human Resource Management (eHRM) dan disruptive technology terhadap pelaksanaan HRM effectiveness di Kota Surakarta Solo Jawa tengah. Metode penelitian menggunakan riset Kuantitative dimana pelaksanaanya menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara terhadap sampel penelitian 50 Manager dan 18 Supervisor di level fungsional jabatan pada populasi perusahaan kelas menengah ke bawah di Surakarta Solo Jawa Tengah. Hasil analisa data dibantu aplikasi smart PLS sebagai alat bantu pengolahan data. Â Hasil riset menemukan bahwa variabel eksogenous digitalisasi HRM dan disruptive technology mempengaruhi variabel endogenous HRM effectiveness sebesar 0,604 atau 60,4%, sehingga 39,6% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti.
Kesimpulan dari riset HRM effectiveness ini adalah, Organisasi bisnis memerlukan kedinamisan dan perubahan secara digital melalui Digitalisasi HRM dan disruptive technology, dan terbuka untuk penelitian lain meneliti faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi pengelolaan HR strategic pada era digitalisasi ini.
Kata kunci:
Digitalisasi HRM; Disruptive Technology; HRM effectiveness
The evolution of Human Resource Management (HRM) has entered a new era, with Agile HR becoming a necessity for organizations, especially in the aftermath of Covid-19. Numerous new regulations and the synchronization of business environments through digital means have been implemented. This research aims to analyze the impact of Human Resource Management (eHRM) digitalization and disruptive technology on the implementation of HRM effectiveness in Surakarta City, Central Java, focusing on small and medium-sized businesses. Methodology: A quantitative research approach was employed, utilizing questionnaires and interviews with a sample of 50 managers and 18 functional-level supervisors from the target population of small and medium-sized companies in Surakarta City, Central Java. Data analysis was conducted using the smart PLS application. Results: The research findings indicate that the exogenous variables of HRM digitalization and disruptive technology significantly influence the endogenous variable of HRM effectiveness by 60.4%. The remaining 39.6% is attributed to unexamined factors. Conclusion: The conclusion drawn from this HRM effectiveness research is that businesses require dynamism and digital transformation through HRM digitalization and disruptive technology. Organizations need to be open to further research exploring other factors influencing strategic HR management in this era of digitalization.
Central Java; Disruptive; Technology; HRM Digitalization; HRM Effectiveness; Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises; Surakarta City
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