Edukasi Keuangan dan Investasi guna Menyiapkan Dana Masa Depan Keluarga
Women, especially household women, have a double burden in their lives, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. So they must work while serving the family and managing finances together. The selection of partners was based on the mothers' group's minimal understanding of sound financial management and the emergence of economic problems since the COVID-19 pandemic era. The community service activity took place to help and provide learning to groups of RT mothers in Salaman Hamlet, Mundu Village, Tulung District, in Klaten Regency. The lessons provided are related to financial management education and investment for Dasawisma mothers for the future of their families. These household women will go through outreach and practice activities for ten sessions with the dedicated team from the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The evaluation results of this activity show a good understanding of financial and investment management by partners. Other marks ask that they have been able to optimize the potential of their region by making instant ginger drinks and instant ginger milk.
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