Jurnal Bisnis Manajemen
Jurnal Bisnis Manajemen is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year
by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta. Articles published by the Jurnal
Bisnis Manajemen are scientific papers that contribute to the development and
dissemination of knowledge in the field of business and management.
This journal accepts articles with the various topics include, but not limites to,
functional areas of management, business strategy, marketing, finance, human
resource management, entrepreneurship, and others relevant subjects. Articles
can be written in Indonesian or English.
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Jurnal Pengembangan Wiraswasta
This journal (JPW) raises various management issues related to entrepreneurship such as marketing, finance, production, human resources, and strategic management.
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Jurnal Manajemen Kewirausahaan
Jurnal Manajemen Kewirausahaan (JMK) is a journal published twice a year (June and December) by LP2M Universitas IPWIJA (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta) that focused on management studies. The aim of the journals is to disseminate the research in management studies that include marketing, finance, production, human resources, and strategic management. This journal did not give limitation on research methode, both of quantitative and qualitative can be accepted and the data from primary, secondary, and literature review. The decision for acceptance depends on blind review results.
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Prosiding Manajerial dan Kewirausahaan
Buku Prosiding Manajerial dan Kewirausahaan ini diterbitkan oleh LP2M STIE IPWIJA setiap satu tahun sekali.
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Jurnal Abdimas IPWIJA
Jurnal Abdimas IPWIJA (JAI) is a national journal as a publication media for the results of the implementation of Community Service activities, published by LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta. Jurnal Abdimas IPWIJA is published two times a year (January, July).Â